Changemaker in Residence
Changemaker in Residence
In January 2023, the Studio welcomed our first Changemaker in Residence - Steacy Pinney. As the former CEO of the treasured local nonprofit Calgary Reads, Steacy is a true changemaker with a passion for early childhood literacy and an incredible systems mindset. In 2023, Calgary Reads will be dissolved as a non-profit through a “dandelion dispersal,” transferring its programs and knowledge to seven different seed partners. This dispersal allows for established programs developed by Calgary Reads to grow into something new and continue to have an impact on the community, even after the organization ceases operations.
In September 2022, the Studio began working with Calgary Reads in support of its Dandelion Strategy. In 2021-2022, Calgary Reads began the process of dissolving and distributing its program assets to various organizations - Seed Partners - throughout Calgary and Canada in support of children’s literacy.
Steacy Pinney, CEO of Calgary Reads explains, “The dandelion is our strategy to address succession, sustainability and scale. Community change efforts need to be dynamic and sustainability doesn’t always have to mean preserving the current form. Our goal is a more equitable and resilient future for young readers, but also distributed leadership - new partners who will own this great challenge, work in new ways, and collaborate strategically, to redesign the systems that must work better to support children.”
Using the Adaptive Cycle framework as a foundation, the Studio facilitation team began working with Calgary Reads and the seven Seed Partners over a series of workshops to support the dissolution of Calgary Reads and the successful integration of program assets across a broader ecosystem of organizations. With a focus on systems change, the Seed Partners have been mapping the literacy ecosystem in Calgary and identifying opportunities for deeper collaboration. The Seed Partner workshops will conclude in September 2023.
Through the first half of 2023, Steacy has focused on supporting the seven seed partners who have taken on elements of Calgary Reads. This work is being supported through a year-long series of workshops facilitated by the Studio team. The workshops provide a supportive space for the seed partners to come together and reflect on program transition, work through questions, and explore opportunities for program evaluation and integration. Ultimately, the guiding question for this process is: How might we nurture a rich literacy ecosystem that ensures all children have access to fun, safe and inspiring opportunities to discover and embrace the joy of reading?
Steacy will continue to be working with the community throughout 2023 and 2024 as the Changemaker in Residence. We look forward to supporting Steacy’s work and seeing the change that comes from this collective and collaborative journey.
The Studio gratefully acknowledges the support of an anonymous donor through the Calgary Foundation for this year's Changemaker in Residence.