Trico Studio Community Zoom Calls

As a coworking space the Trico Changemakers Studio holds value to the benefits of face-to-face interactions. While this has come to a difficult halt, due to physical distancing regulations in place, we’ve found ourselves having to pivot into the virtual world.

When asked the question of “What Matters Most?” - it became evident the importance of remaining connected to our community as we maneuver through this pandemic. Since March 26, 2020 we have been hosting community zoom calls to continue on the path of nurturing our community, building trust, and readjusting to the new ways of connecting virtually. Having hosted six community meetups thus far, the response has been overwhelmingly positive with members expressing how these calls have become the highlight of their week. 

Members, students, faculty and staff have gathered via zoom every Thursday to share their stories, questions, and ideas. We’ve had three community members and one faculty member host calls. We’ve explored topics and themes about resilience, impacts of loneliness and isolation, Social Emergency Services, the positive and negative consequences of COVID-19, art for social change, and much more.

What we are learning from these weekly virtual interactions is that we need each other. We need to listen to each other, see each other, inspire each other, allow each other space to grieve, and share knowledge so we can bounce forward and stronger together. The impact of COVID-19 has left many organizations in difficult positions, including ourselves. The future may seem unpredictable, however, we do know (and perhaps have always known) that change happens together.


Mikayla Kardynal


Deynira Calderon